The promotions for this are deceptive - it looks goofy fun. It turns into more of a serious action movie - great but different.
After a "slight" start showing the star living a pretty chilled life alternating between being very competitive in martial arts practice, doing food deliveries for his dad, and playing computer games with his friends, he stumbles onto an "officer of the law" (kind of a parole officer but arresting delinquent people breaking parole, by force) getting beaten up by a parolee. He puts his skills to use, and ends up helping out that law enforcement group.
That sounds pretty plain - but as he realises he's stopping violent criminals, and worse - and occasionally helping put someone back on the right track - he really finds meaning, and dedicates himself to catching a very bad criminal. Here the action really kicks in and changes from showy moves to really good brawling.
The movie is by the same writer/director as Bloodhounds which was a very impressive Korean series which also had spectacular fighting in it. And like that series you feel the star is really throwing himself around and being thrown around - not just letting the stuntmen do all the work.
There's good supporting actors too - and the "bad guys" add genuine danger to the mix.