A deceptively complex film, played as a simple story of a murderous family using their circus show as cover for killings but featuring several sub-plots with their own story arcs. The siblings squabble, the eldest acting like a truculent teenager as his sister is the favoured child, but come together when the chips are down.
The story makes excellent use of a very limited budget, although this can lead to some slightly jarring jumps in the action. A character from early on possibly uses a fake name, meaning a plot twist was not as clear as it could have been, but the end is satisfying and there is a healthy body count.
The ventriloquist did not work for me. I was uncertain whether to read it as mental illness or genuine supernatural activity, and this was the most obvious nod to earlier films. The wronged girlfriend plot tried to incorporate the ambiguity of abusive relationships but was a little too glib for me. A slight hint of incest between the two most quarrelsome siblings was kept as just that - a hint - without interfering with the plot. A pleasantly 'I wonder if that is true' routine about Hitler gave me one of my few real chuckles, although the film is not without humour.
Most of the budget seems to have gone on blood and imaginative ways to disguise the limited sets. Comparisons to Rob Zombie are inevitable, and it is to the credit of all involved that they achieved this for pocket money prices. Well worth a watch.