Paramporul is a 2023 Tamil-language crime thriller film directed by C. Aravind Raj and produced by Sakthi Film Factory. The film stars Sarathkumar, Amitash Pradhan, Balaji Sakthivel, Visent Askoken, Charles Vinoth, and Kashmira Pardeshi. It revolves around the smuggling mafia of sacred temple idols and a cop who involves with a smuggler to make money out of a sacred idol, possessed by a murder victim.
Engaging story, well-written screenplay, and excellent performances from the lead actors. Sarathkumar, in particular has a strong role and a powerful performance as a police officer who is torn between his duty and his greed. The film's first half is particularly strong, with the director (Aravind R) building up suspense and intrigue expertly. The interval twist is also well-executed and leaves the audience guessing about what will happen next. The second half of the film is not as strong as the first, but it still manages to hold the audience's attention till the very last 5 minutes. The climax is very satisfying, with the director providing a fitting conclusion to the story.
Paramporul movie will definitely be in my all-time favorite list. I am impressed with the director, especially considering that it was his first movie. Taken his time to build up the story and the characters, which makes the payoff all the more satisfying keeping the audience engaged throughout the film.
Overall, I am very impressed with this film, and I believe that the director has a bright future ahead of him. I am eager to see what he does next.