The saying, "Power Corrupts And Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely" is/was coined to denote the world of Politicians, Politics, Corporations and Institutions!
The man who made this exact, precise and totally correct quote was the Historian, Lord Actons. He quoted/stated/warned that power tended to corrupt, and that absolute power corrupted absolutely. He applied this particular statement to individuals, institutions, and governments, way back in 1887, but it is as relevant today as it was on the day he said it!
Much of politics is riddled with corruption from individuals who receive/gain power (from a countries inhabitants who make the same errors repeatedly, over and over again by electing wealthy, egotistical and greedy candidates). People who have absolutely no interest in the peoples wants or needs and have sought status as a politician so they can act upon their own selfish greed for personal gain; they ignore all individuals that they are supposed to be helping!
Josh Fox does a very good job of getting that across in this, his 2nd documentary about GASLAND, film. The bad part of his exposé is the terrible camera work that is wobbly, shaky and darting about all over the place throughout the documentary; its little things that are just as annoying as politicians 😄.
I usually find that when you have a certain type of negative reviews (such as those made here) , they are either from people who are totally ignorant of understanding the the seriousness of a hazardous problem, or they, and perhaps family members, have some kind of vested interest; financially or job related!
I lived for a short time in America (had a great time too) and a major thing I noticed was that the majority of Americans are seriously/totally ignorant/unknowing of places and events in/on their own planet. They are all about our America is the best etc, and just ignore everything happening around, and outside, of their shallow existences. Others I met who had minds that thought about the world beyond 'Yankee Doodles' shores, were extremely knowledgeable about their own country's misgivings; and those of the worlds too!
The corruption exposed here is so blatant by crooked companies and political officials, from Governors and their lackey's, all the way to the White-house and the Senate! The breakdown of US society has been extremely evident for a number of years and it will eventually erupt into serious rioting and violence. Fracking will be a big cause of it (in a follow on time of massive deteriorating health factors to millions of citizens). But of course, the huge problems will stem from the ever increasing gap between the extremely poor and the extremely wealthy!