MidNight Lila
This story revolves around Lila, a degenerated mother who wants to redeem herself as her life slowly slips away. Before she dies, she tries to do one decent thing for her estranged daughter,... Read allThis story revolves around Lila, a degenerated mother who wants to redeem herself as her life slowly slips away. Before she dies, she tries to do one decent thing for her estranged daughter, Tracy. However, for Lila to achieve this goal, she'll not only have to do it beyond her g... Read allThis story revolves around Lila, a degenerated mother who wants to redeem herself as her life slowly slips away. Before she dies, she tries to do one decent thing for her estranged daughter, Tracy. However, for Lila to achieve this goal, she'll not only have to do it beyond her grave, but also stop Freddy Choo, a man who is worth being called "a skidmark on the underp... Read all