This drama is like being presented with a fine wine, but getting served water instead. Very weak storyline. They lure you in with, what should be, a really good revenge/mystery plot but give you a story that's dull and not well written. The actors did the best they could with what they were given and how they were directed, so I can't fault them. With the exception of Lee Chae-Min, I found the others needed more guidance in their portrayals as they seemed like lifeless puppets reciting lines. No emotions really, their eyes remained blank. Plus, sorry gentlemen but the only character I found intimidating was played by Choi Won-Young. The story is too fast paced as well, revealing things way too soon without proper foundation, like the writer kept coming up with last minute ideas and implemented them before solidifying their base in the story. One last thing, I felt the whole 'love' storyline between the 2 top rich students was both unnecessary and emotionless.