3 su 5 lo hanno trovato nessuna
References are made to a man's mother working as a sex worker in a brothel in order to support him when he was a child.
5 su 5 lo hanno trovato grave
Sequences of strong and at times sadistic violence include people being repeatedly stabbed, decapitated, dismembered, mutilated, choked, beaten, slashed with knives and shot resulting in blood spurts and bloody aftermath detail.
A man's hand is bloodily sliced off and another's leg is severed offscreen with blood spurting all over his attackers.
A woman's head is repeatedly slammed on a table and her throat slowly cut.
Violence is frequently accompanied by bloody injuries.
In one scene, a man brutally decapitates his adversary and holds up his severed head in the air.
Another man uses a small knife to bloodily cut off his own fingers and a character has his hand sliced off with a bladed weapon.
There is sight of severed limbs positioned threateningly by the side of the road.
In one of the posters, it shows a knife and a head chopped.
In the first shot, a man is beheaded with large blood spurts and the another man is holding a severed head with blood dripping while the beheaded body is shown falling with blood spurting from stump.
In the beginning during the bus accident scene, three men shown mutilating victims by removing the ear, nose and finger. It's very disturbing although it's blurred.
3 su 5 lo hanno trovato grave
Infrequent use of strong language ('f**k') is accompanied by moderate ('slut', 'whore') and milder terms such as 'bastard', 'God' and 'damn'.
Bad words in Tamil. The "naai" word is used prevalent.
4 su 6 lo hanno trovato moderata
4 su 5 lo hanno trovato grave
A violent gang of criminals orchestrate bus and car crashes in order to rob the injured passengers of their money and jewellery.
They are seen ruthlessly ripping necklaces and bracelets from unconscious and bloodied characters as they lay dying on the ground.
Armed gangsters frequently target and threaten a woman and her elderly family.
Scenes also include frequent knife threat as well as car chases and crashes.
Very violent movie.