Joe DeRosa's character, Oscar Hollis, was named after Danny Hollis, the head of the film's sound department and Oscar Green, one of the movie's PA's. Hollis is best known for his work on truTV's Impractical Jokers.
When one of the actors didn't show up, producers utilized Brody McNamara, son of the funeral home's proprietor, to play one of the Mortician's victims.
The moment when Richard Kind throws a tongue that sticks to the wall was improvised. He was supposed to throw it into a garbage basket.
In order to replicate the look and feel of a hidden-camera TV show, most of the crew came from the TV show Impractical Jokers, where director Joe Imburgio is a producer.
Director Joe Imburgio first pitched Richard Kind the idea of playing the Mortician when the two met at a charity bowling event. Imburgio and Daniel Green had written the part specifically for Kind.