After being abandoned at a young age by a womanizing father, Akagami Akemitsu is determined to live a single life. After slipping up and becoming enamored with the opposite sex, he decides to become a monk.
Akagami Akemitsu begins to settle into his new life as a servant to the women of Mikazuki Temple. However, not everyone is thrilled to have him. Tsukuyo and some of the others plot to frame him and have him kicked out.
Mia and Akemitsu are left at the temple to settle their dispute with a duel. When that goes terribly awry, they're forced to reconcile in other ways. Mia, Akemitsu, and Kagura get intimate with some new penance practices.
Akagami and Yuzuki make a mad dash to Ryukoku Temple for the matchmaking meeting. Akagami is immediately conscripted by one of the temple nuns. After missing the last bus and train, the two of them seek shelter at an unusual place.
Tsukuyo's classmates suspect that she has a boyfriend after seeing her and Akagami together in public. Akagami's doting attempts to get her involved in the archery club again fan the flames of gossip.
All the girls gather together to discuss the terrible curse placed on their scale that makes it seem like they weigh more than they should. Akagami, Yuzuki, and Mia begin their training for tokudo to become proper priests.
A new deadline puts pressure on the temple trainees to prepare for tokudo. As such, Kiki guides them through both conventional and unconventional training. As Christmas approaches, Akagami faces unpleasant memories.
All of the temple residents come together to celebrate Christmas. After gifts are exchanged, accidental intimacy is interrupted by harsh reality. Lurking treachery threatens Akagami's place at the temple.
The residents of Mikazuki temple engage in their end-of-year tradition of pounding mochi. Several of them get hot and bothered while dealing with some of the implications of all the pounding going on at the temple.
Akagami's unease around Kagura pushes Mia to force them together. With the temple approaching destitution, Akagami, Mia, and Yuzuki call on the temple parishioners to help them pull through. Their responses aren't quite what they expected.
With the ceremony fast approaching, the residents of Mikazuki temple are scrambling to come up with the funds to repair the temple's principal figure. To do his part, Akagami reaches out to the Aoba sisters and asks Tsukuyo out.
In order to impart some much-needed wisdom, Kiki suddenly refuses to continue training Yuzuki. Yuzuki and Akagami think hard on the words of their master and the circumstances that have led them to fight so hard for Mikazuki Temple.
Circumstances lead to the residents of Mikazuki Temple waking up in bodies that aren't their own. Some take this as the lewd opportunity of a lifetime. Akagami finds himself in a series of increasingly bizarre and lewd circumstances.