Tom Hiddleston does a good job in narrating a script written with very basic solely positive facts for very young kids/ toddlers where nothing bad occurs in nature. Lots of factual omissions ie, rate of species survival; every giant Pacific octopus lays eggs only once bc she dies & out of a clutch of 100K eggs, only 1 newborn octopus will mature & lay eggs; blue whales are dying from lack of global large krill blooms, grey albatross tha mate for life are very critically endangered due to climate change & now not 1 chick will survive bc of sudden violent storms & mother albatrosses are dying faster in seas due to human over fishing & ingesting plastic contaminated fish that kills albatross, adverse consequences of human ocean pollution. These facts are well documented in last 15 yrs due to scientists tracking these critical species lives & cause of deaths.
Here, most of film are clips from previous docs. Sir David's docs : Life; Mammals, Blue Planet 1&2, & Frozen Planet 1&2 are far more educational with gorgeous filmography.
If u want to see what we destroyed & what SHOULD BE & ignore the truth, then these short episodes of half truths is for you.
It does give the very young kids an enchanting semi fictional introduction of nature in most basic terms. Old clips have been converted to HD. After this, show the young above stated docs on CURRENT state of this human planet & how PPL are ones choosing to cherish or discard to humanity's detriment.