The West African film in question emerges as a skillfully crafted cinematic gem, weaving together elements of suspense and unexpected narrative twists to captivate audiences. One of its notable strengths lies in the natural and compelling performances delivered by the majority of its cast, including standout portrayals such as Duncan Williams', which add depth to the overall storytelling.
However, amidst its successes, the film faces scrutiny over the arrest of its main character, David. This pivotal event lacks a clear and plausible rationale within the narrative, particularly when juxtaposed with the doctor's abortion, raising questions about thematic coherence and character development.
While the film's runtime could have been condensed to a more focused 90 minutes by trimming stretched scenes, its visual storytelling and emotive soundtrack deserve acclaim for enhancing the cinematic experience. Despite minor flaws, this West African film succeeds in engaging audiences with its suspenseful narrative and thought-provoking themes, marking a significant contribution to the region's cinematic landscape.