Toby's age (39) on his death certificate was incorrect because his gravestone showed his date of birth as August 8, 1983 and date of death as September 14, 2023, so his age at death would have been 40 - not 39.
The name plate on Hope's desk at work read "Dr. Hope Connors, M.D." That's incorrect, as both "Dr." and "M.D." are never used together with the person's name. It should have been either "Dr. Hope Connors" or "Hope Connors, M.D." - usually the latter.
Toby's age (39) on his death certificate was incorrect because his gravestone showed his date of birth as August 8, 1983 and date of death as September 14, 2023, so his age at death would have been 40 - not 39.