228 of 254 found this to have none
There is an extended night club scene that shows a number of women in dresses and some cleavage not really noticeable
A female character is often scantily clad.
A few parts in the movie where women wear revealing out fits nothing more than cleavage
A man cups a female mannequin's breast.
A woman is seen wearing revealing scantily clad like outfits which cleave is seen
A female character is seen in a night club were she peacks through a room. She wears lingerie like a belt and bra but the underwear is not revealing at all. Blink and you will miss it.
Mystiques form is depicted as a blue woman with scales cleavage on show.
A man lightly gropes an unclothed Mannequin's Breast, which is shaped realistically. Played for laughs.
At the beginning of the movie, there are several women walking around in scantily clad underwear and lingerie. Throughout the movie some of the female actors dress the same way.
One scene includes a woman sitting on a man's lap, the man is giggling about it. Nothing can be seen. The scene isn't very long it barely a minute.
137 of 188 found this moderate
PG-13 violence type: blood and graphic.
A main character stabs a man twice in the hand with a knife (no blood) and then stabs another man with it in the stomach (no blood) and then shoots two men (still no blood).
Many people are shot.
A mutant who can generate tornadoes throws several agents around, killing them, and throwing them across the room.
A mutant leader who can control and manipulate energy kills several agents by reflecting their ordnance in the form of a massive explosion by a stomp on the ground.
One demonic character disappears and appears slicing other men's flesh. No blood is seen but the sound of ripping tissue is heard.
A mutant kills many people by dropping them from high up. Many people are killed this way. He also kills many people with a sword/blade, but no blood is seen. Also kills many using a barbed tail - no gore, but rather violent.
One man's tooth filling is tortuously pulled out - no gore, but intense.
A character literally causes another to disintegrate - not graphic, but violent and frightening.
A character violently kicks another in the chest, causing them to almost drown.
111 of 180 found this to have none
A man says to another character "go fuck yourself"
Use of "Dick"
"Hell," "damn," "ass," and separate one-time uses of "bastard," "asshole," and one use of "fuck" respectively.
1 use of "asshole," 1 use of "bastard" (in English subtitles), 1 use of "ass"
129 of 163 found this mild
A man asks a woman if she was smoking "those funny cigarettes."
A man makes vague references to his drink being drugged when he believes he is hallucinating.
A discussion about German beer.
Throughout, men and women drink cocktails, beer and champagne.
Two men are shown smoking cigars on two different occasions.
132 of 219 found this severe
With many moments of emotional levity & humor intact, yet has some strong essence of mature elements and themes of darkness over light, as well some dramatically heavy scenes.
A man transforms into a mutant with blue hair all over his body (could be frightening).
The violence can be quite intense and sometimes pretty brutal.
The Ending fights are brutal and intense.
The various powers and abilities of the different mutants in the film can be frightening, especially the bad ones.
A man screams continuously, very loudly and in great distress, in alternating shots between another scene (i.e. it cuts back and forth). This is quite disturbing / shocking and adds to the intensity of this scene.