The 2023 documentary "The Last Year of Darkness" directed by Benjamin Mullinkosson, explores the lives of LGBTQ+ youth in Chengdu, China, and the city's evolving nightlife scene. This courageous film tells the story of a group of young people who freely express their identities and find solace in the anonymity of the night, despite living in a society with a largely negative attitude towards LGBTQ+ individuals. A story of resistance and the quest for freedom, the film leaves a lasting impression on its viewers.
The film's soundtrack features a mix of tracks from Chengdu's underground music scene and original compositions. The locations are primarily bars, clubs, and streets at the heart of the city's nightlife. The use of sound and visuals effectively conveys the film's atmosphere and the characters' emotions.
"The Last Year of Darkness" is a must-watch for anyone interested in LGBTQ+ identity and nightlife. With its courageous content, captivating cinematography, and sincere storytelling, the film is bound to leave a lasting impression on its viewers. We also recommend the film to those who want to learn about China's attitude towards LGBTQ+ individuals, fans of courageous and original films, and viewers seeking a compelling documentary experience.