The story and pacing smoothly complimented each other. I like how the intensity just builds up right from the get go during the first scene up until the last one. Wonderfully moody cinematography combines with an excellent soundtrack and some breathlessly tight editing to create a surprisingly dark and nihilistic film.
It's also great to see characters that were fleshed out especially that of the three main characters. We get to know them more instead of simply just following what they do. This is one of the things I like about the film in terms of characterization, we get a glimpse of their individual lives as opposed to just going right at the center of the conflict.
This film pretty much shows what an ensemble really is. There are really no small roles here, as everyone's given something to do and they all did their parts well. From the opening assassination to the hospital shootout to the sequence that closes the film, the action beats in "On the Job" are technically polished while simultaneously visceral—even intimate—in their brutality. Matti and his cohorts have scored a home-run here.