Yes, it is disturbing that Christian fundamentalists are holding Bible classes for US senators and directly advising members of Trump's team. But the review saying that this film is essentially conspiracy theories writ large is right. We spend a lot of time - a *lot* - listening to these preachers, but what we don't have is real evidence of their influence on policy.
And in any case, it's not really fair to blame the preachers. They are only a symptom. The disease is that you are a nation of crazies, who willingly listen to this stuff or else one of a dozen other brands of craziness: survivalism, cults, the NRA, the Deep State, xenophobia, climate change denial; I mean, how can you get any crazier than voting for Trump? Then there's the craziness of secular liberalism, the preachers aren't wrong about everything. And meanwhile you have Russia, which has become the instrument of the craziness of one man. God help us all, indeed.
I admit we have some of these brands of craziness at home in Britain too. But generally we're less prone to breaking out into violence over them.
If there's anybody I haven't yet insulted, I do apologise. But don't shoot the messenger - I'm just telling it like it is.
ETA: Some people obv didn't like what I had to say here. Now you have re-elected Trump. I take no satisfaction in it - except the satisfaction of being vindicated - but, as he proceeds to dismantle the institutions of your democracy: I'm sorry, I did tell you so.