Having lost her beloved father at an early age, Yuri lives with her mother and younger brother. Yuri's mother meets a new man, but they are deeply in debt and forced to leave their home. Yur... Read allHaving lost her beloved father at an early age, Yuri lives with her mother and younger brother. Yuri's mother meets a new man, but they are deeply in debt and forced to leave their home. Yuri is then forced to take a job as a call girl to support her brother. One day Yuri's broth... Read allHaving lost her beloved father at an early age, Yuri lives with her mother and younger brother. Yuri's mother meets a new man, but they are deeply in debt and forced to leave their home. Yuri is then forced to take a job as a call girl to support her brother. One day Yuri's brother becomes ill but since Yuri has to work, she unwillingly leaves him at home. When she re... Read all