This documentary follows the life's and careers of 3 quarterbacks through a season into post season. Im English and do not follow American football, however love watching documentaries about them. The amount of clutch plays are incredible. I found all 3 players and their stories fascinating in particular Mahones & Cousins.
Some reviews have an issue around players wife's/ family's getting so much air time... but these are the people that mould and guide these special talents off the pitch and are as much of the their story as anyone else.
Whilst the star on the pitch is certainly Mahones... the star of the show is Cousins. The man is everything you'd want in a college, friend and family member. A true gentleman and an athlete striving as much to be a top level competitor as he is to be a great person.
As for Mahones... just wow. You want to know what a warrior and a competitor looks like, well look no further. He also seemed like a great guy very focused on his family too.
Honestly one of the best documentaries I've watched in a long time. I am a fan of the All Or Nothing series - but every single one finishes in failure. The fact this ends in success for one of the athletes makes it all the more special.
Well done Netflix, you can't make movies. But you set the bar for sports documentaries.