Premiered as "The Thanksgiving House" on The Hallmark Channel and continues to go by that name on that and sister network Hallmark Movies & Mysteries, yet is titled "Legally Tender" when it airs on some other networks, such as PixL. Additionally it is rated TV-G when it airs on the Hallmark networks but TV-PG when it airs on PixL despite being the exact same film.
Actress Cerina Vincent noted on the Hallmark Channel's Home & Family (2012) show, that she booked the movie while her broken foot was still in a cast. She had the cast removed and two days later had to film all scenes where she was walking. She had the wardrobe department furnish a larger size boot so her ankle and foot could be well wrapped.
There's actually no consensus on where the actual "First Thanksgiving" took place. The first Thanksgiving has always been credited to the pilgrims at Plimouth Rock in Massachusetts. But, it is also argued that the first Thanksgiving actually occurred three years earlier 600 miles south in Virginia. On September 16, 1619, the Good Ship Margaret which was only 35 ft. long and weighed 47 tons set sail from Bristol England with 35 settlers commissioned to 8000 acres 30 miles west of Jamestown on the James River. The land was given to the Virginia Company by King James and is the current site of Berkeley Plantation.