- Burt: It's not what the poets or songwriters tell you. The worst thing is not a broken heart, it's having no heart. The complete inability to care for anything or anyone. And being, well, comfortable with that.
- Burt: I've reached a point in life where I'm no longer excited by what the world has to offer, usually a problem faced by the elderly. Call me ungrateful but that's how I feel.
- Burt: My friends tell the same stories, the same jokes they've been telling for years. The restaurants all serve the same food they've been serving for decades. And women... I never thought I'd lose interest in women.
- Jacinda: The city faces a real problem in the winter months, in terms of retail, restaurants, nightclubs. People are staying away.
- Burt: You can't really blame 'em. I mean, I hate winter. As much as I love the city, this time of year it's just a cold, wet, bleak, deserted hole.
- Donaldson: He joking! Great sense of humour!
- Burt: You know winter's so depressing, the suicide rates are actually much higher? And the crime rates too. The number of stabbings. It's not just an advertising campaign, we could be saving people's lives.