If it's hard to single out where "Satisfaction" goes wrong, that's only because it goes wrong in so many ways...
Writing: Generic. There's not a single original idea to be had, nor a single memorable character.
Casting: Basically at the level of a student film. It seems as if a dozen people showed up for the auditions, so they were simply cast in the dozen roles that were available.
Direction: At best pedestrian, and certainly not tuned to the rhythms of actual human interaction.
Production: The show looks (and feels) cheap and rushed. For all the producers, executives and consultants listed in the credits, and all the funding and tax credits the Canadian government seems to have given them, one can only wonder where the money actually went. The only sensible assumption is that the credited execs paid themselves handsomely, leaving little money left over for the finished on-screen product.
In short -- this is bad. Elsewhere in the world, it wouldn't even be a series: the pilot would simply be put in a vault, never to be shown in public. Here in Canada, production money has been spent, and Canadian content regulations must be filled, so "Satisfaction" gets a series order.
A SMALL series order, mind you, and one that will be run off in the summer, far, far away from sweeps week. After all, the people that greenlit this series may be buffoons ... but they're not complete idiots.