'Shotgun Mythos' follows the adventures of a private detective named Joss Washburn. He is aided by Summer Skye, his assistant at Washburn and Associates and Joss soon learns that events are being put into motion that will make him immortal after the hand of Prometheus is passed to him and he will be responsible for the balance throughout all of mankind.
This series was created by Clint and Darla Gaige and the series is directed, edited and written by co-creator Clint Gaige. The series is wholly original in the way it looks and feels. The show is perfectly balanced in its use of drama, action, striking mythology, special effects, and comic relief used from time to time to give the show the perfect touch it needs in all areas.
The beauty of this series is that it dives right in by setting up things in the first episode and it always leaves the audience with a desire to come back for more. It's more than a struggle between good and evil. It shows how forces on both sides are sometimes forced to work together in order to defeat a greater foe than what either side could possibly imagine is possible. There is always a grey area and things are never black and white. The film also follows the three rules of conflict perfectly. Man vs. man, man vs. nature and man vs. himself. They are all examined in a lengthy and compelling nature.
The one thing that stands out best is that with so many characters developed, each one has a distinct persona with the perfect actors cast for each role. 'Shotgun Mythos' is also the type of series where new things will be picked up with multiple viewings as the viewer is challenged to invest their time into a series that will not disappoint.