"In a revealing interview, Hideo Kojima shared his vision for the 'Death Stranding' movie adaptation, stating, 'Our intention is to reach beyond just the fans of the game. This film is for anyone who loves cinema. We are creating a Death Stranding universe that's unprecedented, uniquely possible through the medium of film.'"
A24, the renowned film studio, has been entrusted with the cinematic adaptation of the acclaimed video game 'Death Stranding,' as revealed by the game's creator, Hideo Kojima.
The film delves into the mysteries surrounding the apocalyptic event called the "Death Stranding", which blurred the lines between life and death, and brought forth nightmarish creatures into a world on the brink of collapse. The Veteran Porter grew up in post-Stranding America, where private porters picked up the slack for the destruction of the United States and its infrastructure. He joined a porter outfit led by none other than Higgs Monaghan, who at that time did not have DOOMS but "had a nose for BTs." After Higgs became a Homo Demens, the Veteran Porter left and became an independent porter contractor. This story explores the conflicts of the Death Stranding origins, Higgs, and his lust for power in a crumbling America all through the eyes of the man who became a legendary porter much like Sam Porter Bridges.