This was a documentary that I decided to check out while working, treating it like a podcast. It is one that I think I would have enjoyed more if I could have solely focused my attention on it. Regardless, the historical figure of Caligula is one that I've been fascinated by due to the wild stories and movies that have been made about him.
Things that stood out to me while watching this was that he was a younger man when he took power. As you can tell from the title, he wasn't emperor long. It does seem like certain things that he did that branded him insane, were more calculated. If he was in today's society, he'd been considered a troll. Still, he was into debauchery and had a bloodlust. There were lasting effects of corruption that he was responsible for, but I'd also say there were bigger issues. There were widespread problems and power hungry individuals vying for more of the pie.
I'll then just say that this is made well enough. This is from the History Channel so the production value is there. There are dramatizations that were edited in to break up seeing and hearing the talking heads tell the factual information. It looks good. I don't know if I pulled as much from this as I wanted, but there's interesting data provided to explain things that this emperor did. I would recommend it from that standpoint.
My Rating: 6.5 out of 10.