'Scrambled' follows the uniquely quirky story of a man with half a penis, freshly out of prison, as he reenters the his former best friend's life, who is now an omelette chef, and wreaks havoc in all aspects of his life.
"Scrambled" is an rambunctious comedy that focuses on Hugo (Mark Hapka from "Days of Our Lives" and Netflix's "Parallels"), an ambitious omelette chef who still loves his ex-girlfriend. He works and lives with his teenage brother Viggo (José Julián from "A Better Life") who is having relationship problems with his girlfriend (Riley Voelkel from "The Originals"). When Hugo's best friend Tonty (Tomer Shechori) is released from prison, he inadvertently enters all their lives, and sets into motion a chaotic chain of events that affects them all.—Chev Chelios