During a random research on other Goulart in here the search engine selected Gustavo Goulart, the young man responsible for several tasks in this short film. Checking his resume, he has works in 19 different fields (excluding 'thanks' and 'self') and I was intrigued in seeing how come someone around my age group had all that much work in the movie and TV business. But that's besides the point. The point is that I watched the film and liked it. Simple and safe though it is something you might have seen somewhere else thousands of times.
"Apenas Mais Uma De Amor" (something on the lines of "Another One (Song) of Love") pays tribute to a memorable song by Lulu Santos with two teenagers, boy and girl (Goulart and Carolina Fernandes) who meet at a park to practice that song in order to enter a musical contest. Simple if it wasn't for some obstacles that comes in between both of them, which is better left unsaid but you'll probably know what it is.
It's a sweet project, gotta admit it despite some B quality. Nice chemistry between the actors but the acting is so-so (but he really knows how to play guitar and even sing); and with some extra elements, taking the story a little longer it'd probably help. Not to mention that the plot summary reveals plenty of things that aren't exactly in the finished project neither the characters names. Whatever the case, I bow my head to the young talent of our lead actor, who also wrote and directed the piece. I'll probably check out more of his work. 7/10