As far as vampire films go...this one is about as original as you can get!
The only film that is, even remotely, similar to it, being Shunji Iwai's 2011 film, Vampire.
Which doesn't even have actual vampires in it.
While Iwai's film is a dramatic horror...this French-Canadian gem is more of a horror comedy.
A sort of vampire coming of age film.
In which we follow a 68-year young, teenage vampiress, who find her fangs, when her family forces her to fend for herself in the real world.
As, prior to this, she was mostly sheltered...having been brought up on blood bags from her parents fridge.
Which has resulted in her overt humanism, and, thus, aversion toward killing others to survive.
So, when she meets a local boy, with suicidal's kind of a match made in...well, Hell, I guess.
Because he's willing to give his life for her.
But this only acts to make her fall in love with him.
Leaving them with only one option moving forward.
Which just might make things work out for both of them, in the end.
This wonderful film is a darkly, light-hearted, and all-around entertaining, experience.
Another winner from Quebec!
7 out of 10.