I love stupid comedy and I love horror, but it's very difficult to mix the two effectively and create a good byproduct. First of all, if you're making a horror spoof the viewer shouldn't be confused as to whether the film is comedy or completely serious. It took until the first cheesy line from Cass's boyfriend (when she found him outside) for me to realize it was actually supposed to be funny.
Killer Kart has way too much screaming, not enough comedy, and looks as if the director took the subject matter too seriously, and secretly wanted to make it 100% horror. The dialogue was atrocious, and the clichés ever- present. The casting was very stereotypical of horror movies as well: tiny helpless screaming girls, a douchey guy that only thinks about sex, and a huge burly man that everyone thinks is a dick.
The camera angles and production quality were rather high though, which makes the film look good, whether or not it actually is. But the boring dialogue, character, and premise of the entire situation is dull and leaves creativity in the dark.