- After five successful seasons on television, the popular comedy series "De Zonen van Van As" gets its first feature film. The Van As family ends up as the main sponsor at a prestigious cyclo-cross, causing hilarious situations and high running emotions. Get ready for a typical Flemish comedy with spectacular action, an exciting story and lots of mud. After having a stroke, the now very elderly founder Frans Van As was forced to slow down and hand over his ground and demolition works company "Van As NV" permanently to granddaughter Linde and her husband Dick. They make good money and now they even got to be the local main sponsor of a prestigious cyclo-cross race. When a fire is being started on the site the day before the event and causes considerable damage and a major delay in the planning, Frans thinks that a jealous competitor is trying to sabotage his granddaughter and all his fuses are blown. The head of the family raises himself from his armchair to eliminate the bad guy like a real Clint Eastwood. On the eve of the cross, however, the cause of all the trouble turns out to be in a very surprising corner... When the cyclo-cross threatens to turn into a real battle, (almost) all Van As's join forces in an attempt to avert fate in time and save the honor of the company and the family.
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