"The Night Owl" is a captivating Korean movie that keeps you on the edge of your seat with unexpected plot twists throughout. The story revolves around Kyung-soo, a blind acupuncturist who becomes embroiled in palace intrigue and conspiracies, as he attempts to uncover the truth behind Crown Prince Sohyeon's death.
What makes this movie stand out is the compelling storyline and the relentless suspense that never lets up. While I wasn't entirely satisfied with the ending, as it left me wanting more closure on the fate of the crown prince's son and the political dramas, the overall experience was still enjoyable.
A word of caution: Some reviews mention "bad subtitles", and it's obvious that these "reviewers" were watching the movie from dodgy sources and their so-called "reviews" doesn't hold a merit! It's essential to watch the movie through an official source to ensure accurate translations. Don't let unofficial, poorly translated versions cloud your judgement on this well-crafted film.