Mon realizes that Sam still has a kind-heart despite the cold exterior even after many years. Mon continues to present work ideas towards Sam, and a bit of Sam's past is uncovered.
Sam discovers that there is a mole in the company. She suspects and interrogates her employees for colluding with an enemy company. Sam and Mon work together to come with up new ideas to prevent it from happening again.
After an eventful sleepover, Mon and Sam's relationship continue to blossom. Sam invites Mon to meet her friends, and Mon discovers that everything she knew and idolized about Sam may have been a lie.
After a jealous encounter, Sam avoids Mon at the office. Mon forces Sam to reconcile in which the relationship between the two starts to develop further beyond friendship. Sam proposes an interesting game to play.
An argument ensues with Sam and her friends, and which Sam has to apologize. However, the strange apology has also caused Sam and Mon to have a rift. Mon starts to realize that she may feel something more for Sam other than friendship.
After Mon realizes her newfound emotion for Sam, more problem ensues after Sam has not come to the office for three days. Sam and Mon are forced by their friends to finally confront their emotions about each other.
Mon and Sam are now officially together, but there are more obstacles that they have to face before they can be happy. Sam and Mon struggles with their first night together but fortunately their friends are there to help.
After Sam wrongfully accuses Mon for cheating on her, Sam begs for Mon's forgiveness. However not only that more trouble ensues for their relationship after Sam discovers the company's traitor from her enemy rival, Nita.
Sam and Mon goes for a weekend getaway to a nice beach resort. They meet the resort owners, Cher and Risa, a lesbian couple who had ran away from their previous life to be together. Sam and Mon confronts with the idea of marriage.
More problem ensues after Sam's grandma intervenes with Mon's and Sam's relationship, which causes their relationship to take a hard tumble. But it doesn't stop Sam to keep a hold of their relationship after more of her past is uncovered.
Sam's traumatic past is finally unveiled and which Mon discovers. Sam is forced to make a choice between her family or the girl she loves, but Mon makes a decision before Sam can choose. Sam's grandma also faces a difficult decision.