"Thelma" (2024) is a charming and heartwarming family film that stands out for its empowering portrayal of an elderly woman. June Squibb shines as the elderly character, delivering a performance that anchors the film with both warmth and humor. The film cleverly integrates jokes about old age, adding a light-hearted touch to its narrative.
Despite its strengths, the movie does have some drawbacks. The low-budget feel is noticeable, and the supporting actors do not leave a lasting impression. However, these issues do not overshadow the film's overall appeal.
The screenplay is well-written, offering a satisfying resolution and a story that celebrates the resilience and agency of its main character. Standout moments include when Thelma takes matters into her own hands, and the scene where she gets scammed by telemarketers. It shows that it can really happen to anyone at that age.
Overall, "Thelma" is a great choice for a family movie, providing a loving tribute to our elders and delivering a blend of humor and heartfelt moments. It's worth watching for those seeking a film that combines a reminder of loving respect for our Grandparents with a touch of humor.