Fri, Oct 5, 2012
Ashinaka High School is known for its unique setting: the entire campus is built on an island. Yashiro Isana, aka Shiro, is having lunch with a cat on one of the school rooftops. After his lunch break, Shiro goes on an errand for his classmate Kukuri to prepare for their upcoming school festival, only to be chased by some intimidating-looking men.
Fri, Oct 19, 2012
After an all-night chase, an exhausted Shiro, Kuroh, and Neko decide to make a temporary truce to have breakfast. As they eat, Kuroh gives Shiro more background about the seven Kings and the Clans they lead. Kuroh then adds that Shiro is suspected of murdering one of HOMRA's Clansman, which Shiro strongly denies doing.
Fri, Oct 26, 2012
Kuro threatens to kill Shiro unless he can prove that he is not the one who killed Tatara Totsuka. Determined to prove his innocence, Shiro begins searching for anyone who can confirm his alibi on the night of the killing. Meanwhile, the Blue and Red Clans follow their own leads to the suspect, which all point to Shiro.
Thu, Nov 8, 2012
Shiro begins to question his own identity after realizing there is an inconsistency between what he remembers and what actually happened. Meanwhile, Lieutenant Seri Awashima of SCEPTER 4 makes a visit to the bar owned by Izumo Kusanagi, where she learns more about the history behind HOMRA and the strong bond they share.
Fri, Nov 23, 2012
Neko undoes the spell placed on Shiro to help him remember who he is. But other than a brief image of being thrown from an airship by a mysterious man, Shiro remains in the dark. Determined to regain his memories, Shiro takes the risk of contacting Munakata, the Blue King, who could lead them to the mystery man.
Fri, Nov 30, 2012
The Blue King, Munakata, accepts a proposal from Shiro to carry out an air mission to restrain the Silver King, Adolf K. Weismann. However, the mission is abruptly interrupted when the Silver King's airship self-destructs. The following day, Munakata pays a visit to the Gold King, where he discovers the remains of the Silver King. In the meantime, an unknown force makes contact with the detained Suoh.
Fri, Dec 7, 2012
The Red King, Mikoto Suoh, is contacted by a man claiming to be the killer of Tatara Totsuka. By utilizing his power, Mikoto escapes his prison cell to hunt down the killer at Ashinaka High School. While HOMRA occupies the school property to conduct their search, the Blue King, Reisi Munakata, makes one final attempt to reason with the Mikoto.
Fri, Dec 14, 2012
Tension builds overnight as HOMRA occupies the island of Ashinaka High School, prompting SCEPTER 4 to secure the bridge at the island's entrance. The following morning, a sudden explosion initiates a clash between the two forces. In the meantime, Shiro returns to the Red occupied island and reunites with Kukuri at the battle-ravaged school building.
Fri, Dec 28, 2012
Shiro regains his memory and power as the Silver King. After evacuating everyone on the island to safety, Shiro sets out to settle his score with the real Colorless King. Meanwhile, the battle between Suoh and Munakata continues, with the Red King's Sword of Damocles slowly reaching its limit. With time running out for all sides, what fate awaits these four kings?