Carver Riot credited as playing...
Angela Kozlov
- Angela Kozlov: Wait! I feel like I have a job for her in the White House.
- Special Agent Lars: Call it home, my dear. I like the sound of that.
- US Vice-President: What could you possibly need me for?
- Angela Kozlov: [to the US Vice-President] We need someone to clean up the dog shit in our backyard.
- Special Agent Lars: You can now choose your method of death.
- US Vice-President: What are my options?
- Special Agent Lars: Angela?
- Angela Kozlov: Hmmm... This bitch isn't worth my sweat. Let's leave her for the rats. They deserve a little something too, you know.
- US Vice-President: No! You're the rats! You're the fucking rats!
- Special Agent Lars: They won't come if they don't smell blood. Give them a little bit of incentive.