I recently took the opportunity to watch "The Bench," a Scottish horror film that faced numerous challenges during its lengthy production process, which extended until its completion in 2016. The film was ultimately released in 2024, and I discovered it on Tubi, a streaming platform I have come to appreciate.
The film's production quality suggests it was made on a limited budget, which is evident throughout. However, the special effects used in the horror sequences were notably effective, and the portrayal of blood was convincingly done; in contrast to many horror films where the blood appears overly artificial, resembling spilled ketchup.
From the outset, I found the storyline to be somewhat predictable. I do ponder whether my perception of predictability would differ had I viewed the film at the time of its initial intended release. The performances of the actors were adequate, though they did not stand out; I have certainly encountered much more lackluster acting that led me to discontinue watching a horror film within the first fifteen minutes.
The film appears to pay homage to iconic classics such as "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" and "The Hills Have Eyes." I can appreciate the intentions behind these references. However, it did not effectively engage my attention, as I found myself easily distracted.
One particular scene notably reminded me of the climactic moment from the original "Saw" film, and those familiar with both films will likely understand the connection. While "The Bench" is not a poor film, it does not rank among the best in the genre. It might have benefitted from a larger production budget and a timely release that aligned with its original schedule.