Hell's Kitty
- TV Series
- 2011–
"Hell's Kitty" is a supernatural thriller web series based on true-life events about Nick, a Hollywood writer, whose love life is jeopardized by his hellacious cat named Angel. Nick's best f... Read all"Hell's Kitty" is a supernatural thriller web series based on true-life events about Nick, a Hollywood writer, whose love life is jeopardized by his hellacious cat named Angel. Nick's best friend and neighbor, Adam, (movie extra and slacker) is convinced that Angel is possessed. ... Read all"Hell's Kitty" is a supernatural thriller web series based on true-life events about Nick, a Hollywood writer, whose love life is jeopardized by his hellacious cat named Angel. Nick's best friend and neighbor, Adam, (movie extra and slacker) is convinced that Angel is possessed. But Nick adores his cat, and defends her despite all the obvious ominous warnings. There a... Read all