This was originally created as a web series consisting of 10 minute episodes. Each episode had total of 5 minutes taken by the opening sequence and closing titles. Thus each had effective 5 minute story time which included "Previously on...."
Why am I telling you this ? Well you see, the 10 such episodes of 10 minutes apiece are now combined into so called one season. There's two such seasons. The single biggest problem with that is, they have literally concatenated each episode. So every 5 minutes you see ending titles followed by opening sequence. Actual story time is about 20 minutes in each season.
Now as to the story itself, well it's a cheap low budget take on the cult classic 2001 A space odyssey. With a shoestring budget and single set with 3 characters, let's just say the retelling isn't up to scratch. The acting is pathetic, plot gaps galore and you're expected to leave your brain at the door. To top it off, the CGI seems to be made by a 10 year old kid.
All in all, I wish Amazon wouldn't give this crap the time of the day.