The amazing ratings on IMDb. I will always wonder why such a great tool with amazing potential is never been managed better than it actually is now. This movie has two reviews before mine. One gave it a one star rating, the other a two star rating, but how amazing it is to see that this movie scores a 6,5 on IMDb. It's just not a fair or correct rating considering the reviews it got. But I still gave it a shot despise the reviews, and that purely based on the rating it got on IMDb. Because sometimes you stumble on a hidden gem. Unfortunately this one isn't a hidden gem. It's the complete opposite. I have to admit there was a certain mystery in the beginning, something that makes you wonder what happened and so on, but the more the movie advances the more you know this is going nowhere. The end is like I was afraid of at one point. A complete letdown. I have been fooled by the ratings, and I will probably be again in the future. If I could give one good advise to IMDb is that you make an option available where you can follow certain reviewers. So that I can watch movies that has been positively reviewed by people with the same taste of movies as me. Only then IMDb would be a great website. Now it's still just guessing if a movie is going to be good or not. Ratings don't mean anything on this website. There are hidden gems with a very low rating like there are awful movies with a high rating, like this one for example.