I saw a popular review with 1 star. What the hell are they watching this film for when the trailer is accurate and the film gives you so much more. Firstly if your a fan of Kung Fu Hustle or Dragon Tiger Gate or even The Storm Riders you will love these couple of films.
In short a martial arts village must survive against the evil steampunk death machines and armies who want to build a railway which would destroy the town.
The story is really secondary. It carries the film, but the effects, action, strong characters are flawless if you understand the genre. Most of it is quite unique and visionary while not compromising on the values of a good dramatised Kung Fu adventure. I mean it is really slick how they merge effects, big graphic overlays to convey action and humour which is really good. My only regret after watching them was that I never saw them in the cinema.
If you like Kung Fu films this must be one of the most rewarding films you will ever see. The vision made reality is really epic. It's an instant classic. Anything less than a 7 and you really shouldn't be watching this type of film as it is a near perfect master class. Crouching Tiger action. Subtle Kung Fu Hustle humour. Tarantino style. Sherlock Holmes steampunk. Main character is like Jet Li early years. AMAZING FILM