I had the chance to see The Advocate at the 2013 Dances With Films Festival, and a few months later I'm still thinking about it.
Despite being a low-budget indie, The Advocate is neither your typical festival piece, nor a straight up genre slasher. The film is quite polished and restrained for a thriller, which is really to say it's smartly written, directed, acted, and yes, edited--that can never be underestimated with a small film like this.
True to the genre, the story has its fair share of twists and turns, so I don't want to give too much away, but aside from being a compelling murder mystery, it's also a deeply psychological tale about the pain of loss. And that sadness is superbly conveyed by lead actor Sachin Mehta, who heads a memorable cast that truly reflects the multi-cultural identity of LA. To top it off, the performances are underscored by a penetrating soundtrack that sails through the ethereal yet fierce territory of a nouveau-noir world riddled with deceit, loneliness, and revenge.
Thankfully, it's not all heavy duty. The Advocate also boasts those playful Hitchcockian moments of comic release. And the dialog isn't the only thing bouncing, there are some great glares going around, too. I'd like to see a mash-up of all those suspiciously sultry looks lending themselves to some good old campy fun.
Ultimately, the best thing about this flick is that it sticks with you. With all the layers of the mystery, it's the type of movie you want to talk about afterward, and maybe even revisit to study the clues once again.