Top-ratedS1.E1 ∙ Super Hero Sketch ArtistFri, Mar 2, 2012Plastic Man uses his stretching abilities to help an elderly woman identify the man who stole her purse.7.8/10 (14)Rate
Top-ratedS1.E2 ∙ The Many and the FowlFri, Mar 23, 2012Plastic Man tries to pay his electricity bill but first has to deal with the Tuxedo, Lady Granite and the Fowl when it comes to mailing the payment.7.3/10 (13)Rate
Top-ratedS1.E3 ∙ UntouchableFri, Nov 8, 2013A secret mob meeting has started at one of the docks at one night, with the Mob boss discussing Plastic Man.8.4/10 (8)Rate
Top-ratedS1.E4 ∙ BoobtubeFri, Apr 20, 2012Flatscreen captures Plastic Man in a television.7.1/10 (11)Rate
Top-ratedS1.E5 ∙ Superheroes Wear PajamasFri, Sep 6, 2013Plastic Man is entranced by the Tuxedo and appears in public in his Batman pajamas with his teddy bear.7.5/10 (9)Rate
Top-ratedS1.E6 ∙ The Bat and the EelFri, Jun 28, 2013Batman relates his encounter with safecracker Eel O'Brian to Plastic Man.7.0/10 (14)Rate