A young Army private discovers LSD and joins the counterculture. Breaking through the staleness of mainstream America, he organizes an acid-propelled festival that brings thousands of hippies together and fuels a movement.
On a rooftop in San Francisco, Stewart has an acid trip that changes how humanity sees the world. He campaigns NASA to release a picture of the earth from space.
Stewart creates The Whole Earth Catalog, a publication Steve Jobs would later call "one of the bibles of his generation." But at the height of its success, Stewart stops it in its tracks.
Stewart helps write the origin story of the personal computing revolution. He founds one of the first online social networks. At the frontier of technology, his optimism clashes with the dangers of the early Internet.
Stewart's do it yourself attitude is turned on its head when he takes a job with Governor Jerry Brown. But when he becomes obsessed with space colonies, critics accuse him of having his head in the stars.
Stewart changes his position on nuclear power, and begins to claim it's key to an environmentally responsible future. His embrace of controversial technologies loses him lifelong friends and allies.
Alongside geneticist George Church and entrepreneur Ryan Phelan, Stewart goes on a mission to bring extinct species back to life. But will this ambition lead to disastrous, unintended consequences?