The basic plot line of this version naturally follows the original. If you liked the original you will like this as well if not better. Riondino does a great job in that you can appreciate him both as a detective but also as a person. One can feel is ups and downs yet appreciate his ability to do his job well. He's really believable.
Like the original the comic relief grows on you as the characters become more familiar and it seems there are more humorous situations/discussions with those being interviewed. Yet, for me, it did not interfere with the policing aspect of the show. The criminal plot of this show seems a bit more sophisticated in that the crimes have a bit more depth and are cleverly done.
This Livia is also very good. She's attractive, lovable, very patient, but you can watch her character evolve in a way that makes the other Livia from the original more understandable.
If you like detective series in general, this has a good mix of serious/light. If you're Italian, even better. You almost feel as though you have known these people at some point.
It is really regrettable that Mhz doesn't bring ALL the seasons of their shows on board and it's not just the Italian stuff. They really need to do better.