Initially I was somewhat intrigued by this 2022 Malayasian horror movie titled "Rasuk" (aka "Possessed") as I stumbled upon it by random chance here in 2023. And given my fascination with horror movies and Asian cinema, of course I had to see what writer Adib Zaini had to offer.
While "Rasuk" is certainly a watchable enough movie, the script and storyline ultimately fell victim to the archetypical tropes seen in many movies of zombie-like infections and outbreaks. So you're not in for anything groundbreaking or innovative here. But with that being said, "Rasuk" definitely was a watchable enough movie for what it turned out to be.
The acting performances in "Rasuk" were fair enough. I wasn't familiar with the cast ensemble at all, because I have very little experience with the Malaysian cinema in general. But the cast put on good enough performances to bring their characters to the screen and bring the story to life.
Director James Lee didn't exactly revolutionize the horror genre with this 2022 movie, nor did he actually leave a lasting impression on me with "Rasuk", as the movie is the type of movie that you watch once, shelf it, and never return to it a second time.
Visually then "Rasuk" was actually not all that bad. It wasn't a top-of-the-line special effects movie, but the special effects in the movie definitely worked well enough in favor of the overall feel of the movie.
My rating of "Rasuk" lands on a five out of ten stars.