"The Hollow Oak" is a horror and mystery film about a young girl named Kayla who has nightmares that become mixed up with reality. She is taken to a camp called "Hollow Oak" to try and mend ... Read all"The Hollow Oak" is a horror and mystery film about a young girl named Kayla who has nightmares that become mixed up with reality. She is taken to a camp called "Hollow Oak" to try and mend her relationship with her mother. While there, she becomes obsessed with the legend of a w... Read all"The Hollow Oak" is a horror and mystery film about a young girl named Kayla who has nightmares that become mixed up with reality. She is taken to a camp called "Hollow Oak" to try and mend her relationship with her mother. While there, she becomes obsessed with the legend of a witch named Darla who haunts the campground. Kayla and her new friends investigate the lege... Read all