Upon its initial airing in France, the film was followed by a 70 minute long documentary about the Daval case from the same production company, titled Affaire Daval: Les secrets d'une garde à vue (2022) (The Daval Case: Custody Secrets), written and directed by Christophe Dubois, who co-wrote the book the film is based on.
The characters in the film share their names with their real life counterparts, with the exception of the two police officers, Commander Dacosta and Magali Paulin, who were created for the film as an amalgamation of the fourteen officers who investigated the case, and the minor exception of Jonathan Daval, who is named Jonathann Daval (with two Ns). His name is however incorrectly written this way in virtually every piece of media discussing him.
Martine Henry, the mother of Jonathan Daval, spoke out against the film, stating that "we didn't want it to be made, but we didn't have a choice".