This is a remake of the classic story where a young girl born into a poor family having to endure extreme hardships in the 1900's.
I remember watching every episode of the TV series "Oshin" when I was a child, and I was so touched by it. The 2013 remake continues the tradition, and tells the heart wrenching hardships of a 7 year old girl. The story is very sad, and is almost unbelievable in modern day world. The girl playing Oshin is remarkable, as she cheerfully plays the highly resilient girl. Her range and depth of emotions is quite astonishing, as her character goes through a plethora of emotions including joy, sadness, desperation, anger and shame.
Though the pacing is a little slow, it means there is much time for viewers to savour what it is really like to be Oshin. This is a film to feel and empathise. Expect to be saddened.