"Siberian Tiger Quest" is a very strange nature documentary. And, in light of my training as a mental health therapist, I see this perhaps a bit differently than many viewers.
The film is narrated by Chris Morgan and he visits with an extremely strange Korean researcher, Sooyong Park. I say strange because the man's obsession about filming the elusive tigers in far Eastern Russia led him to leave his wife and at least one child for five years in order to hang out in the woods. Much of the time, he lived in a dugout where he remained for months at a time. He subsisted on small amounts of rice and nuts and even defecated in this blind so that he wouldn't need to come out and potentially scare away the elusive tigers! Dedication or insanity...you can decide which when you see the film. In addition, after Park FINALLY leaves for home, Morgan remains for a brief time and sees what it is like to be Park.
There is some footage of the tigers but mostly the film talks about locating signs that there were tigers. Additionally, in many ways the film is much more about the filmmaker and Park. So, if you are looking for a film that talks a lot about the tiger and how they live, this is probably not the show for you. Worth seeing but not exactly what I'd hoped to see.