George Takei, the famous Hikaru Sulu from the classic Star Trek, has had a life worth to tell. As a kid, he spent some years with his family in an internment camp on US soil (Yes, Americans did that too). Besides, back in those years of the "Good old America" being a young Asian actor only meant he would get stereotyped roles. Takei wanted more, and most certainly he did! Someone that had to endure really hard times has become a legend, a cultural icon even.
In this documentary we will meet Takei, his husband and manager Brad, relatives, fans...all of them have their place in Takei's endless universe of love and positivity. There is not a specific approach, not doses of drama or comedy, but a true depiction of a lovely couple, in which one of them turns to be a legend of sci-fi, and much, much more.
To Be Takei is a work about a man that had to trespass literal and metaphorical fences and boundaries. A story told from the heart, full of warmth and honesty. The story of a man that has fought against prejudices, racism and homophobia, always passionately, always in a positive mood. He is and has been an icon to several generations, and still manages to inspire, like he has done with this documentary. At least, he has inspired me, and I hope you watch it, because as he always says "It's OK to be Takei".