"Hysteria!," created by Matthew Scott Kane and premiered in October 2024 on Peacock, is a horror-thriller series set in the midst of the 1980s "Satanic Panic" in America. The series follows the disappearance of a high school quarterback, leading three outcasts to form a satanic metal band, which soon becomes the target of a townwide witch hunt.
One of the series' strengths lies in its ability to capture the paranoia and hysteria of the time period, with a blend of horror and social commentary. The characters are deeply flawed yet endearing, with the band members' naivety and ambition providing a comedic anchor. The supporting cast, including Julie Bowen, Jessica Tresca, and Emjay Anthony, adds depth and complexity to the narrative.
The production values are high, with a distinctive visual style that captures the gritty and paranoid atmosphere of the 1980s. The editing and music choices enhance the tension, creating a sense of unease and horror.
However, the series does have its shortcomings. Some viewers may find the humor to be hit-or-miss, with some jokes falling flat. Additionally, the pacing can be uneven, with some episodes feeling rushed and others dragging on.
Despite these shortcomings, "Hysteria!" remains a compelling and entertaining series. It's a must-watch for fans of horror-comedies and those who appreciate the work of Matthew Scott Kane.
Rating: 7 out of 10.